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Waterway Wednesdays

  • Virtual - Patreon | Zoom (map)

The Opportunity for those who could use a day of shortened virtual energy healing divinations/body divinations. Once a month we’ll now have 35 min. slots open from 2pm to 6pm on a Wednesday for $35.* Stay up to date by looking back at either Patreon or also to know which Wednesday each time!

(*The normal price of this 1.5 to 3 hour long service is $225.)

Method of divination: EHDs/Body Divining

How to sign-up

Sign-ups are only conducted through Patreon. Those who are in that tier (which you can re-enter or exit at any time) will be the only ones to have access to the sign-up sheet. From there on, it's first-come, first-serve. The sign-up slots will officially open the day of the event each time, and you'll join the Zoom link when it's your time! Link: SIGN-UP

Slots officially open the day-of at 11:40a EST. (And stay open until full!)