Root Work Journal is a journal identified as representing bloodlines of Black life. This consists of papers, poems, meditations + writings that convene around Black rebellion, fugitivity, marronage, and other less apparent survival strategies that (will) sustain our spirits. Under this year and issue’s theme, “Convening in the Ark: Black & Sacred Sites of Revelation”, we do just that.
TAYLOR AMARI LITTLE’s The Brink documents an interview with Black Ancestors bringing forth information around The Returning Creatures + Spirits of our genealogies who were stolen and hidden from us in the face of cosmic imperialism + white rule. The same Beings who return to us, signifying the Brink between the End of this world and coming of the Next.
"This conversation remains dedicated to and channeled for those of our lineages, people, and creatures, who strategically made the choice to combine for survival purposes in the face of cosmic imperialism, as led by who we now know today as whites. This is for all the interspecies alliances that were formed for the sake of lineage preservation, leading to the creation of ourselves today.“
To download the full Volume 1, Issue 1:
Print copies out beginning January 1, 2021.
Uplifting both Alaina Knox + Iansã Black’s featured work “for the dehydrated” and “Strange Fruit Make Bright Lanterns," too.
SO much love to them.